Wednesday, June 15, 2016

09:30 – 10:00 Registration and get-together with coffee and snacks
10:00 – 10:55 Introductions
  • 10:00   Markus Demleitner (GAVO / Uni Heidelberg)
    Short self-introduction of all participants

  • 10:25   Giuseppe Cimo' (JIVE / ASTRON)
    Introduction to the ASTERICS project

  • 10:40   Françoise Genova
    (CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg))
    ASTERICS WP4 – DADI Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability

10:55 – 12:15 Plenary session, chair: Markus Demleitner
  • 10:55   Mathieu Servillat (Observatoire de Paris – LUTH)
    Data diffusion for ground-based gamma-ray astronomy

  • 11:15   Michael Sterzik (European Southern Observatory)
    ESO's role as science data provider: strategies and challenges

  • 11:35   Kristin Riebe
    (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP))
    Data publication at AIP

  • 11:50   Marco Molinaro (INAF - OATs)
    The INAF IA2 data provider experience, including the VIALACTEA knowledge base effort

12:15 – 13:20 Lunch
13:20 – 15:20 Plenary session, chair: Marco Molinaro
  • 13:20   Nazaret Bello González
    (Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik)
    Data archiving for the next generation of solar high-resolution telescopes

  • 13:40   Pierre Le Sidaner (Observatoire de Paris)
    Data publication at PADC using TAP ObsTap for CTA, Gaia, ... and EPN-TAP for Europlanet

  • 14:00   Cristina Knapic (INAF - OATs)
    Radio Data Model for Medicina and Noto telescopes
    Authors: C. Knapic, A. Zanichelli, S. Righini, A. Orlati, F. Bedosti, M. Nanni, M. Stagni, R. Smareglia

  • 14:20   Mathieu Servillat (Observatoire de Paris – LUTH)
    Provenance of astronomical data

  • 14:40   Petr Škoda
    (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
    (Semi-)automatic VO publishing pipelines of Czech stellar data

  • 15:00   Harry Enke
    (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP))
    Usage of the DOI system for data centres in Astronomy

15:20 – 15:50 Coffee break
15:50 – 17:20 Plenary session, chair: Markus Nullmeier
  • 15:50   Eric Chassande-Mottin (APC CNRS)
    Data-related issues in gravitational wave astronomy

  • 16:10   Françoise Genova and Gilles Landais
    (CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg))
    Certification of data repositories: CDS experience and RDA outputs

  • 16:30   Giuseppe Cimo' (JIVE / ASTRON)
    VLBI observations of spacecraft: joining space science and planetary data with almost classical radio astronomy

  • 16:50   Markus Demleitner (GAVO / Uni Heidelberg)
    How to register your data

  • 17:20   Grégory Mantelet (ARI / Uni Heidelberg)
    How to create your own customised VO data access service easily

17:40 – 18:10 "Elevator pitch" introductions of tutorials
on the 17th
19:30 – Conference dinner

Thursday, June 16, 2016

09:30 – 11:00 Plenary session, chair: Catherine Boisson
  • 09:30   Juan Gonzalez Nuñez
    (European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)):
    Maximizing data accessibility and exploitation through VO protocols at the ESAC Science Data Centre

  • 09:45   Maria Henar Sarmiento
    (European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)):
    ESASky, a new way to discover and share astronomical data

  • 10:00   Vladimir Kulikovskiy
    (CPPM (Centre de physique des particules de Marseille)):
    ANTARES / KM3NeT multi messenger programs

  • 10:15   Mireille Louys
    (CDS, Icube, Université de Strasbourg):
    How to describe your observations' metadata?
    The Observation Core components DM


  • 10:35   Pierre Le Sidaner (Observatoire de Paris)
    Origin and specificity of EPN-TAP

10:55 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 Plenary session, chair: Markus Nullmeier
  • 11:30   Christoph Deil (MPIK Heidelberg)
    Open data specifications and tools for gamma-ray astronomy

  • 11:50   Nicolas Moreau (Observatoire de Paris)
    Standardizing atomic and molecular data search and publication: the VAMDC infrastructure

    • About VAMDC
  • 12:10   Carlo Maria Zwölf (Observatoire de Paris)
    From RDA Data Citation Recommendations to new methods for citing data from VAMDC

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:50 Plenary session, chair: Markus Demleitner
  • 13:30   Dave Morris (WFAU-IfA, University of Edinburgh)
    Current projects at the WFAU archives, with an emphasis on ADQL
    (IVOA Astronomical Data Query Language)

  • 13:50   Markus Nullmeier (GAVO / Uni Heidelberg)
    Accelerating access to data archives with the new version of pgSphere

  • 14:10   Carlo Maria Zwölf (Observatoire de Paris)
    The IVOA Parameter Description Language (PDL)

  • 14:30   Jiří Nádvorník
    (Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT))
    Light Curve Generation and Publishing of the Ondřejov Southern Photometry Survey

14:50 – 14:55 "Elevator pitch" introduction of a tutorial
on the 17th
14:55 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:50 Discussion of requirements, feedback, and lessons learnt [slides]
16:50 – 17:00 Conclusion and final remarks
  • Markus Demleitner

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday is reserved for hands-on sessions. These will typically run in parallel.
09:30 – 10:30 Tutorials
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Tutorials
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:00 Tutorials

List of tutorial / hands-on sessions:
  • SVOCat / MySpec-MyImg
    SVOCat is an application intended to facilitate the publication of an astronomical catalogue, both as a web page and as a Virtual Observatory ConeSearch service.
    • MySpec and MyImg are applications intended to facilitate the publication of spectra and images, both as a web page and as Virtual Observatory SIAP and SSAP services.
  • The CDS / ARI libraries
    • The CDS / ARI libraries form a set of four generic Java libraries, each of them implementing an IVOA standard: ADQL-Lib for ADQL, UWS-Lib for UWS (a protocol for asynchronous execution of computations), TAP-Lib for TAP (Table Access Protocol) and SCS-Lib for Simple Cone Search.
  • VO-Dance
    INAF – IA2 publishing solutions: Under VO-Dance goes a couple of deployable applications capable of publishing catalogues, images, tablesets and spectra. Plus we offer a modular reworking of the above, currently under development, which is more pluggable and customizable.
  • DaCHS
    DaCHS is a comprehensive, VO-integrated data publishing solution, providing almost all major VO protocols in a package with seamless metadata management.
  • VizieR, HiPS, and MOC
    VizieR, HiPS, and MOC tutorial home page
    VizieR provides access to the most complete library of published astronomical catalogues and data tables available on-line, organized in a self-documented database.
    HiPS is the hierarchical tiling mechanism, which allows one to access, visualize, and browse seamlessly, image, catalogue, and cube data.
    MOC, the Multi-Order Coverage map method, allows to specify arbitrary sky regions, with very fast comparisons between them. It is based on the HEALPix sky tessellation algorithm.
  • Saada
    Saada tutorial home page
    Saada transforms a set of heterogeneous FITS files or VOtables of various categories (images, tables, spectra, ...) into a powerful database deployed on the Web, which operates VO services (SSA, SCS, SIS, and TAP) as well.
    Exposed data can be linked to each other in order to provide a global view on complex data sets.


Please register on-line here.


For contributions to the programme or questions about it, please contact us at